CT stands for computerized tomography and MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. They both use different technologies to see what’s going on inside your body.
Picture a CT scan as an x-ray machine that takes very rapid pictures to give a three dimensional overview and an MRI machine that uses magnets bouncing constant magnetic field/pulsing radio frequencies off of the fat, soft tissues and water molecules in your body. Radio waves then transmit to a receiver, which translates them into 3D images of the body
Given that a CT machine is similar to x-ray a moderate amount of radiation is administered to the patient. Whereas when a patient undergoes an MRI study a detailed history and questionnaire is taken by the facility to ensure that have no metal (magnetic) particles in their body otherwise the machine will pull on the patient where the metal is.
CT scans and MRI’s are both helpful for diagnosing brain lesions. CT scans are better for discovering occult (hidden) fractures in the body, perhaps clarifying a questionable region on a plain film x-ray. MRI’s are much better for evaluating the discs of the spine revealing herniated and or bulging discs.
At OPHC when necessary, we may order a CT scan or MRI depending on your ailment, accident or injury to affirm a suspected diagnosis. These would be performed by local, trusted facilities for patient convenience.